Know About the Age Limit for Hair Transplant By Expert Surgeon

Hair loss is a cosmetic issue that may occur at any time and at any age and both men and women are victims of this critical disease. It is true that the problem causes no pain to the scalp but without the hair, scalp looks unnatural and thus, many of the patients choose Ahmedabad Hair Transplant. When a patient is about to undergo the hair transplant surgery, before all the things, he thinks about the age limit for hair transplant, considering age is important and only a hair loss expert may decide the correct time to perform the hair transplant.

When to have hair transplant surgery?

This is a very important question and the answer to this question may involve many factors. Generally, the signs of baldness are visible in the early 20s and the progression of male pattern baldness may end when the patient is 40 to 50 years old. This is a normal age cycle of baldness and the surgeon have to decide the correct time to perform surgery according to this cycle.

Hair transplant for younger age

However, most of the hair loss experts say that there is no age limit for hair transplant but generally, the experts do not prefer to perform hair transplant at an early age because of the unstable nature of hair loss or baldness. As we all know that baldness follows a pattern of progress and the surgeon have to consider the progression before he thinks about hair transplant surgery.

Hair transplant after the middle age

At this age, baldness is stable and the person is financially established as well. Thus, this time seems the best for hair transplant surgery. The surgeon may assess the future pattern well and can treat you with most suitable hair transplant technique.

The donor area

Whatever your age is but the surgeon have to look at your donor area before he makes any decision. Hair transplant surgery is easy if the donor area is dense and hairs are thick. It all means that only the age is not a considerable factor for the decision of hair transplant but the surgeon must observe the health of the donor site.

Opinion of the experts of the Avenues clinic

The experts of the Avenues clinic say that indeed, there is no limit for hair transplant if the donor area is dense enough but still, the surgeon has to think about the factors described above. The surgeons added that main thing is that the patients wish to a natural look after the hair transplant and if the baldness progresses after the surgery, it would give an unnatural look to the patient. Therefore, most of the time, the surgeons prefer to wait in the case of early signs of the baldness.

The people of all age groups come to the Avenues clinic to undergo hair transplantation in Ahmedabad and mostly they get a perfect piece of advice and they are treated to achieve a successful result only. So, the patients may contact the clinic without worrying about the age and progression of the baldness.

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