Know About Female Pattern Hair Loss: Avenues Clinic

womens-hair-baldness (1).jpgMore than a male, female get easily prone to hair issues. Because hair is beauty symbol for a women which can enhance her looks and appearances the loss of this can be quite disturbing. Hair loss can affect the beauty of a female thus making her looking aged at a very early age. When female start facing hair issues they are ready to try almost anything to reverse their hair fall issues and in such cases they must try visiting an expert at some advance hair clinic like Avenues Clinic which best Ahmedabad Hair Transplant clinic.

There are various reasons because of which a female losses her hair which are not always identifiable but in most of the cases it is because of the change in lifestyle or diseases name alopecia. Female pattern hair loss is quite different from mail is a way that females start noticing hair issues with extra thinning of hairline and excess hair shred. Unlike males they never notice bald patches on the head scalp but skin of the head scalp start to appear which makes them look dull and ugly.

Common symptoms of Female pattern hair loss are:

  1. In female pattern hair loss hair starts to shred as a faster rate than normal hair fall.
  2. Hair thinning starts to appear.
  3. The signs of hair loss start to appear from the front areas and last till the back of the head scalp.

What actually is female pattern hair loss?

Female pattern hair loss conditions is quite a common issues these days and with right suggestion it can solved but to find a right solution you must know about it in detail.

Some facts of Female pattern hair loss:

  • Female pattern baldness can also be termed as Androgenetic Alopecia.
  • The hair loss in female in quite different from males because in females hair thinning is common sign of alopecia.
  • About two third of female get prone with female pattern hair loss.
  • Less than half of women face female pattern hair loss after the age of 50 even though the ratio is changing in current scenario.
  • It is often caused due to hereditary but other reasons may be change in hormones or change in lifestyle.
  • In female pattern hair loss each day 50 – 100 hairs a day.
  • In female pattern hair loss female cannot go completely bald.
  • This is genetic disorder which can be carried from one generation to another. From mother to kid or any other family member.
  • Female pattern baldness can be treated with advance techniques.

In cases when you observe signs of female pattern baldness you must not delay and visit and advance hair clinic for right solutions. You may try from various available alternatives to treat female pattern baldness, Hair transplantation is a commonly chosen treatment for fighting all types of female pattern baldness and if you are expecting better results from hair transplantation you must visit advance hair clinic, Avenues clinic which is a famous clinic for Hair transplantation in Ahmedabad.

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