Know About Female Pattern Hair Loss: Avenues Clinic

womens-hair-baldness (1).jpgMore than a male, female get easily prone to hair issues. Because hair is beauty symbol for a women which can enhance her looks and appearances the loss of this can be quite disturbing. Hair loss can affect the beauty of a female thus making her looking aged at a very early age. When female start facing hair issues they are ready to try almost anything to reverse their hair fall issues and in such cases they must try visiting an expert at some advance hair clinic like Avenues Clinic which best Ahmedabad Hair Transplant clinic.

There are various reasons because of which a female losses her hair which are not always identifiable but in most of the cases it is because of the change in lifestyle or diseases name alopecia. Female pattern hair loss is quite different from mail is a way that females start noticing hair issues with extra thinning of hairline and excess hair shred. Unlike males they never notice bald patches on the head scalp but skin of the head scalp start to appear which makes them look dull and ugly.

Common symptoms of Female pattern hair loss are:

  1. In female pattern hair loss hair starts to shred as a faster rate than normal hair fall.
  2. Hair thinning starts to appear.
  3. The signs of hair loss start to appear from the front areas and last till the back of the head scalp.

What actually is female pattern hair loss?

Female pattern hair loss conditions is quite a common issues these days and with right suggestion it can solved but to find a right solution you must know about it in detail.

Some facts of Female pattern hair loss:

  • Female pattern baldness can also be termed as Androgenetic Alopecia.
  • The hair loss in female in quite different from males because in females hair thinning is common sign of alopecia.
  • About two third of female get prone with female pattern hair loss.
  • Less than half of women face female pattern hair loss after the age of 50 even though the ratio is changing in current scenario.
  • It is often caused due to hereditary but other reasons may be change in hormones or change in lifestyle.
  • In female pattern hair loss each day 50 – 100 hairs a day.
  • In female pattern hair loss female cannot go completely bald.
  • This is genetic disorder which can be carried from one generation to another. From mother to kid or any other family member.
  • Female pattern baldness can be treated with advance techniques.

In cases when you observe signs of female pattern baldness you must not delay and visit and advance hair clinic for right solutions. You may try from various available alternatives to treat female pattern baldness, Hair transplantation is a commonly chosen treatment for fighting all types of female pattern baldness and if you are expecting better results from hair transplantation you must visit advance hair clinic, Avenues clinic which is a famous clinic for Hair transplantation in Ahmedabad.

Know About the Age Limit for Hair Transplant By Expert Surgeon

Hair loss is a cosmetic issue that may occur at any time and at any age and both men and women are victims of this critical disease. It is true that the problem causes no pain to the scalp but without the hair, scalp looks unnatural and thus, many of the patients choose Ahmedabad Hair Transplant. When a patient is about to undergo the hair transplant surgery, before all the things, he thinks about the age limit for hair transplant, considering age is important and only a hair loss expert may decide the correct time to perform the hair transplant.

When to have hair transplant surgery?

This is a very important question and the answer to this question may involve many factors. Generally, the signs of baldness are visible in the early 20s and the progression of male pattern baldness may end when the patient is 40 to 50 years old. This is a normal age cycle of baldness and the surgeon have to decide the correct time to perform surgery according to this cycle.

Hair transplant for younger age

However, most of the hair loss experts say that there is no age limit for hair transplant but generally, the experts do not prefer to perform hair transplant at an early age because of the unstable nature of hair loss or baldness. As we all know that baldness follows a pattern of progress and the surgeon have to consider the progression before he thinks about hair transplant surgery.

Hair transplant after the middle age

At this age, baldness is stable and the person is financially established as well. Thus, this time seems the best for hair transplant surgery. The surgeon may assess the future pattern well and can treat you with most suitable hair transplant technique.

The donor area

Whatever your age is but the surgeon have to look at your donor area before he makes any decision. Hair transplant surgery is easy if the donor area is dense and hairs are thick. It all means that only the age is not a considerable factor for the decision of hair transplant but the surgeon must observe the health of the donor site.

Opinion of the experts of the Avenues clinic

The experts of the Avenues clinic say that indeed, there is no limit for hair transplant if the donor area is dense enough but still, the surgeon has to think about the factors described above. The surgeons added that main thing is that the patients wish to a natural look after the hair transplant and if the baldness progresses after the surgery, it would give an unnatural look to the patient. Therefore, most of the time, the surgeons prefer to wait in the case of early signs of the baldness.

The people of all age groups come to the Avenues clinic to undergo hair transplantation in Ahmedabad and mostly they get a perfect piece of advice and they are treated to achieve a successful result only. So, the patients may contact the clinic without worrying about the age and progression of the baldness.

Facts about Hair Transplant Surgery, Risks and Care

Hair transplantation is a commonly chosen hair solution for all sorts of hair issues. Almost everyone is now aware about hair transplantation but there are various facts associated with it which are worth knowing and to know about Ahmedabad Hair Transplant visit Avenues cosmetic clinic.


Some facts about hair transplantation:

  1. Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure in which hair follicles are extracted from hair bearing area to be transplanted to the bald areas.
  2. Done with anesthesia hair transplantation can be made a painless procedure.
  3. Hair transplantation do require a recover time which may vary with procedure to procedure.
  4. The final results may be seen after few months which may range from 8 – 12 months.
  5. There can be two procedures of hair transplantation; a patient may choose any of them.
  6. Once the final hair growth is received the hairs matches the existing hairs which makes it difficult to identify the difference between the original and real hairs.
  7. The results are quite satisfactory which can be trimmed, cut or styled.
  8. The costs of procedure depend directly upon hair grafts which are deiced depending upon the hair loss conditions.
  9. It is necessary that patient must have realistic expectations from hair transplantation so satisfactory results can be chosen.
  10. As hair transplantation is advance procedure only advance and equipped clinic must be chosen.

Risks associated with hair transplantation:

Even though better alternative has been evolved with time which reduces the risks associated with hair transplantation still in some cases there may be risks associated with hair transplantation which may be:

  1. Bleeding
  2. Infection
  3. Pain and swelling on the scalp
  4. Brushing around the eyes
  5. Numbness for few hours
  6. Itching

While you opt for advance FUE hair transplantation procedure over FUT you may have fewer complications associated with it because it better solutions.

When you are expectations less complications after the surgery you must refer the post precautions suggested by the respective doctor. The post care suggestions may differ and one must only trust his own doctor for avoiding any type of risks. Some of the common post care suggestions suggested by hair transplantation doctor can be:

  • Strictly take right medications as suggested by doctor for avoiding any sort of pain or numbness that may happen after the surgery.
  • Avoid any physical activities at least a week after a surgery.
  • Avoid washing hairs for a few days as suggested by doctor.
  • Don’t comb your hairs with hard brush and don’t be harsh to hair scalp.
  • Be prepare for the shredding of transplanted hair follicles because it is normal.
  • Drink plenty of water to stay dehydrated.
  • Eat normal so essential nutrition may reach for right hair growth.
  • Simply relax.

It is quite clear that there are certain facts associated with hair transplantation that a patient must know before actual procedure and if you need to enquire about Hair transplantation in Ahmedabad visit Avenues Cosmetic Clinic.

Tired Of Baldness? Try Hair Transplant in Ahmedabad?

Baldness is normal issues these days. Due to change in eating habits and lifestyles hair issues have raised so tremendously. There are various reasons which can affect the hair growth. This includes increased age, deficiency of essential nutrients etc. even though there are temporary solutions for fighting all sorts of hair issues as well but permanent solutions like hair transplantation can work well. When this is a common phenomenal issue among males and females they search for alternatives which can eliminate such issues. When better results are required you may choose Ahmedabad Hair Transplant at Avenues clinic.How to cure balding in men and women fast 9.jpg

While baldness exists one may choose hair transplantation is only the chosen solution. Hair transplantation can be chosen to fight temporary baldness and the permanent baldness as well. Even though it is better to treat baldness at initial stages but even at extreme stages can be solved by hair transplantation as well. The treatment is permanent, safe and pain free procedure to solve baldness issues. Not only on the head scalp but hair transplantation can effectively solve hair issues on other parts of body.

Why hair transplantation is chosen for baldness?

  1. It is a modern technique for solving all types of hair issues including extreme cases of baldness.
  2. It is capable of meeting standards of medical world and thus can solve even the effects of dieses like alopecia.
  3. It is modern technique that can achieve better treatment solution with modern technology and enhanced procedure.
  4. It provides 100 satisfactions for patients and is capable of meeting users’ expectations.
  5. Even when it is due to any cause, each hair issues can be solved with advance hair transplantation procedures.
  6. The costs of hair transplantation is quiet affordable that can suits everyone’s pocket.
  7. The hair transplantation is reliable option for fighting baldness issues.
  8. Done with anesthesia it can ensure better results with minimum pain.
  9. Hair transplantation is capable of depicted symmetrical hairline thus achieving symmetrical hair growth in a better way.
  10. It can help achieve natural hair growth which resembles the existing hair growth in all ways.

Hair transplantation is thus an accurate solution for all types of hair issues including hair baldness. It is a process by which hair follicles can be extracted from hair bearing areas and transplanted to bald areas to achieve natural hair growth. When it enables extraction of hair follicles and hair growth just by achieving natural hair growth cycle of an individual it is capable of fighting major hair issues that can also be solution to baldness.

Hair transplantation is thus an adequate treatment for solving all grades of baldness issues. It is better to find a perfect treatment right at the initial stages of baldness but hair transplantation is enhanced in solving all types of hair issues with hair transplantation. When better results are required a patient must trust Hair transplantation in Ahmedabad at Avenues clinic which can ensure better results for all types of baldness.

What are The Causes Of Baldness and How To Treat It?

Hair loss is common problems these days. Hair loss can create severe issues in an individual.  Hair on your head can be a defining part of your identity. If you start to lose your hair, it can feel as if you’re losing some part of your identity. Losing hairs is equally irritating for both male and females. For women hair is a part of their beauty and for men it is important part of their appearances and personality and for both hair loss is equally disturbing. In such cases when hair loss occurs, people try almost everything which could help them gain what is lost. Reversing this hair issues is now possible with advance hair procedures. One among such is advance hair transplantation procedure which can help acquire better and natural hair results in an individual patient. If you are looking for better hair results with hair transplantation you must chose Ahmedabad Hair Transplant at Avenues cosmetic clinic only. treatment-options (2)

Every one of four individual is prone to hair problems these days. It is because of the changing lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits that humans are commonly prone to hair issues these days. Even though there are few other reasons as well but sometimes it becomes hard to manage and find the actual cause behind the hair issues. When hair loss reaches to extreme conditions it became quite crucial to identify what actually was the reason behind the hair problem. It is almost impossible to identify the exact cause but some of the common cause of hair fall issues can be:

  1. Hair loss may occur due to Aging
  2. It may be due to certain autoimmune diseases like alopecia areata.
  3. In females it commonly occur to change in the levels of androgens which may include menopause, pregnancy or thyroid hormone
  4. Family history is a common cause of male or female pattern baldness.
  5. This may also be because of iron or vitamin deficiency.
  6. Hair loss may also occur due to ill effect of certain medications specially drugs taken while at the treatment of chemotherapy or birth control pills in women.
  7. Extra tight or inappropriate Hairstyles can also cause hairs shred issues
  8. Extreme stress is common cause of hair problems these days.
  9. Major surgery or injury is also sometimes is a cause of hair problems.
  10. One of the common causes of hair problems in both male and female is genetic disorder.

To all such problems there are various advance treatments solutions which can help fight hair issues it is on the condition of hair loss issues that which hair treatment is chosen but hair transplantation can solve all sort of hair issues easily and effectively. Hair transplantation is thus a commonly chosen hair alternative because it can solve any sort of hair problems. In case you are looking for better results from hair transplantation you must choose to go for Hair transplantation in Ahmedabad at Avenues cosmetic clinic.

Does The Scalp and Body Hair Transplant Have The Same procedure?

The word hair transplant is very popular because of the Avenues clinic, a center for Ahmedabad hair transplant. Actually, hair transplant is a simple technique where donor hairs are transplanted to the other area where the hairs are needed to grow due to baldness problem. So, the hair transplant surgery seems useful and effects for the baldness patients but it is not enough to know about the transplant and the patients need to know more about the procedure.

The procedure of hair transplant

The procedure of hair transplant is performed a lot of steps. However, a general procedure includes removing the hair from the donor site and transplanting them to the bald areas. Nowadays, the surgeons use two different techniques that are different in terms of a slight difference between the procedure of both of the techniques.


Follicular Unit Transplant and Follicular Unit Extraction are the two techniques that are used as the procedure of the hair transplant surgery. These techniques are unique and different from each other due to the slight difference of the style of removing the hair from the donor area.

Follicular Unit Transplant or FUT involves removing a strip of tissue from which the hair follicles are harvested that are later transplanted to the bald areas. On the other hand, Follicular Unit Extraction or FUE is performed by removing the hair follicles directly from the donor area one by one.

As we observe the slight difference and however, FUE technique is considered as a modern and advanced technique, FUT is also used widely by the surgeons and patients.

The limits of hair transplant

Hair transplant is a surgical treatment that is totally based on the quality of the donor area and if the donor area does not show appropriate density or thickness, the surgeons find themselves unable to treat the patients. Actually, most of the surgeons advise that the patients should come to the clinic as early as possible.

Body Hair Transplant: A procedure to increase the scope of the hair transplant

Body hair transplant is an advanced approach to increase the limits of the hair transplant surgery. Actually, this procedure allows the surgeon to remove the hair from any part of the body such as chest, beard, mustache, eyebrow etc.

This procedure is extremely effective in dealing with the patients who are not suitable patients for normal hair transplant.

However, it must be noted that this procedure can be done with the help of FUE only and if the patient likes FUT, he has to be disappointed.

As we can see that Body Hair Transplant is the similar procedure that is performed with the help of FUE to deal with the patients with weak donor areas. The surgeon needs more expertise since he has to choose the most suitable area to remove the hairs. If you have a weak donor site, there is nothing to worry because of the best Hair transplantation in Ahmedabad that is performed by the experts of the Avenues clinic. They are fully capable of performing the hair transplant for treating you regardless of the conditions of your scalp and donor hairs.

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Hair Transplant in the Most Affordable Price: Avenues Clinic Ahmedabad

While you are facing any hair issues you may opt for the most advance hair transplantation solution because it is capable of solving even the extreme cases of baldness with better results. Hair transplantation can allow achieving natural and permanent results that everyone desires to obtain. Hair transplantation is surely advance and in almost all the cases it can achieve better results but it is better that advance hair clinic is chosen for hair solutions because only they have right facilities to perform advance hair transplantation surgery in a better way. If you need real results from hair transplantation you must choose Ahmedabad Hair Transplant at Avenues clinic which is famous for its enhanced results from last many years. Avenues

Even though hair transplantation is best solution for solving all sort of hair issues but it is enough to choose to go for it. Hair transplantation is an advance procedure and it is because of this reason it has some sorts of costs associated with it always. It is better to find the costs that you have to pay for it before actually taking the final decision of going for hair transplantation surgery. You may only choose to opt for hair surgery if you can afford for it. Visit a clinic, consult a surgeon and find out the actual price that you will have to pay for your transplant. However it is not that easy to analyze the costs of the hair surgery because there are various factors that affect the final price of the hair transplantation surgery. Some of the factors that may affect hair transplant costs can:

  1. Number of grafts – The hair transplantation costs associated with a surgery may depend directly upon number of grafts involved with the surgery the higher will the amount of grafts associated with surgery the more will be costs involved.
  2. Condition of baldness – The condition may differ and so is the cost. The initial stage treatment may be treated in less cost and later stages of baldness involve higher costs.
  3. Type of treatment – Hair transplantation can be either FUE or FUT. Depending upon your hair condition you and your doctor may choose which procedure to choose and both have different costs associated with it.
  4. Expectation of a patient – The patient must have a realistic expectation from their hair transplantation procedure. If the demand is high the costs will surely fluctuate.
  5. Surgeon of the surgery – A surgeon may also charge for the surgery as per his skills and expertise. It is experienced that counts in this field and thus they may charge for better results.
  6. Clinic chosen – It is obvious that an advance clinic will have all adequate facilities and latest technology to achieve better hair results from hair transplantation and thus it may some costs associated with it but once you chose to go for Hair transplantation in Ahmedabad at Avenues Clinic you may get better hair transplantation results at the most affordable costs.

Does a Hair Transplant Really Work for the cure of baldness?

The Avenues clinic is a popular place for Ahmedabad hair transplant and it shows the place of the clinic in the field of the hair restoration and treatments. However, it is also a valuable observation that the patients are looking for hair transplant surgery and they just ignore the other alternative treatments. On the other hand, there are a number of people who have their own doubts about the hair transplant surgery. The hair loss experts are sure that the hair transplant is an effective treatment option for the patients but due to myths and misconceptions, the surgeons have to face various queries about the queries of the patients.


Hair transplant surgery is indeed effective for complete hair loss or the scalp and this treatment is based years of research and studies and the surgeons are confident to prove the effectiveness of the treatment with solid arguments.

To understand the totally about the hair transplant surgery, it is necessary to have a basic knowledge of the procedure. Thus, the information is given below deals with the basics of the hair transplant surgery:

Hair follicles and hair growth cycle:

Hair follicles anchor the hair into the skin and whenever you see your hair falling, it does not mean that hair follicles are damaged. Your hair follicles will grow the hair again since hair shedding and re-growing is a normal part of hair growth cycle. It means if you see a completely bald person, you can assume that the hair follicles of the scalp of his head are damaged forever.

Pattern baldness:

Baldness is a severe condition that occurs due to genetic and hormonal reasons. This condition starts with severe hair loss and gradually the hair follicles are damaged and a larger bald area on the head can be observed easily. Baldness always follows a pattern and it starts from the hairline and proceeds to the crown area. At the end of the process, only a thin layer of hairs is left on the back and sides of the head.

Why are the alternative treatments ineffective?

Oils, ointments, and gels, and other alternatives work well on the hair but for getting the benefits of these products or treatments, it is necessary to have some hair on the scalp. Once the hair follicles are damaged, you have would not grow again. Thus, if you have some remaining hairs on the head, go for alternatives and if you have a bald head, transplant is the only procedure that may work for you.

How is hair transplant the best option?

The remaining hair present on the back and head are called genetically baldness resistant and these hair are transplanted to the bald area by a licensed and trained surgeon. These hair are permanent and remain in the new place forever. This surgery transplants the genetically baldness resistant hair follicles to the recipient area and this fact is enough to prove that Hair transplantation in Ahmedabad is the best procedure for hair loss problem.


Why women suffer from hair loss during pregnancy?

Hair loss is common in men and women and there are different reasons that are common in both men and women. But, there are some causes that bring hair loss in women and pregnancy is one of these prominent reasons. The Avenues clinic, a center for Ahmedabad hair transplant, expressed these views last days. According to the hair loss experts of the clinic, Women may start to lose hairs excessively due to various reasons like stress, anemia, menstruation cycle, and pregnancy.

The women may shed the hair abnormally after pregnancy and a larger percentage of women face this problem but most of the experts agree that this stage is temporary and after some time, the hair growth is improved.

Relation between hair loss and pregnancy

According to the hair loss experts, hair loss generally takes place after delivery. This is not a permanent situation and the hair loss is not so severe to lead to the formation of bald areas.

During pregnancy, due to the increased level of estrogen hormones, the growing phase of the hair is stable and the women generally have a full head of hair. However, mineral or vitamin deficiency may cause hair loss.

Hair loss after the delivery

After three or four months of the delivery, women face hair loss due to the decreased or normalized levels of the hormones. So, hair loss after delivery is the result of delayed hair fall to normalize the hair growth cycle.

What should you do during pregnancy and after delivery?

The first thing you can do is a meeting with a hair expert to keep everything in balance. You have to avoid using unnecessary hair products and hairstyles and have a healthy diet full of nutrients.Call your doctor or hair care professional to supplement your diet with vitamin C, Biotin, Vitamin E, and Vitamin B complex, and Zinc.

Hair loss and pregnancy facts

Hair loss may occur during pregnancy and after delivery or the woman may not experience any hair loss. It is because every pregnancy is not the same and the hair expert or gynecologist have to handle every pregnancy case differently.

Most of the time, hair loss during pregnancy is temporary but it does not mean you have no need to make a plan for a proper hair care. The help of an expert is always needed whenever you are facing abnormal hair loss. The Avenues is a leading clinic for Hair transplantation in Ahmedabad and any women can meet the experts of the clinic for hair related problems that may occur during pregnancy.


Booking a Hair Transplant This Christmas will be the Perfect Way

People are enjoying the winter season and most of them are in a festive mood because of the celebration of Christmas. However, winter is a pleasant season but it brings many problems related to your hair. Moreover, the conditions get more severe if the persons are already facing hair loss problems. If you are one of such patients, the Avenues clinic, a center for Ahmedabad hair transplant, has brought for you an awesome offer for you to cure your hair loss problem forever.


This is not the first time the clinic is going to provide some attractive offers to the hair loss patients. The clinic often does so and by doing this the clinic has changed the lives of hundreds of the patients. Now it is your turn to get the benefits from the offers of the clinic.

The Christmas Offer

To enjoy the offer, you have to book your hair transplant surgery before 25 Dec 2017 and you will get the following benefits:

Free PRP treatment that costs Rs 10000:

If you book your offer before Christmas, you are going to have a PRP session just for free. Nowadays, hair transplant surgeons using PRP treatment as a co-procedure with hair transplant to enhance the results of the treatment. You have a chance to get the benefits of this treatment without any cost.

10% Discount on the total cost of the surgery:

The patients are going to get a 10% discount on the total cost of the treatment. It is enough to make the offer cost-effective for the patients.

Free consultation and checkup:

This is the best part of the offer when you are allowed to initiate a free consultation and checkup process.

The offer is brought to provide to the patients to make the cost of the treatment reasonable for the patients who want to manage their cost-related issues while they are planning to have the hair transplant surgery.

Hair transplantation in Ahmedabad is cost-effective just because of the efforts of the Avenues clinic and now, it is more beneficial for the patients because of such offers and discounts. If you were feeling confused about the surgery, it is the best time to take a final decision to have the treatment.